The People’s Museum for Prince is a curatorial project organized by Emma Balázs, designed to commemorate the ways Prince shaped and transformed personal lives. The first exhibition of the project will be held in Minneapolis in April 2018 in collaboration with the "Prince from Minneapolis" symposium.
Inspired by the public outpouring of deeply personal tributes following his death, the exhibition creates a visual and emotional mapping of Prince’s life, death and afterlife through the lens of those whose lives were profoundly impacted by the artist.
Using artifacts from a significant private local collection, interwoven with personal stories and objects contributed by people within and beyond the Minneapolis community, and supplemented by artworks and documentary materials, the exhibition explores the intimate, transformative connections between Prince and his people, whether colleague, friend, fan, or neighbor.
The Museum is seeking contributions of personal stories from people whose lives have been somehow transformed by Prince. Details on the website. Please send your proposals by February 1, 2018 to .
Theology of Prince
The University of Minnesota and United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities invites the public to submit academic papers, personal essays, poetry, spoken word, or visual art on the theology of Prince. Even though Prince sold more than 100 million records and won seven Grammy awards, little is known about the impact that religion and spirituality had on his music and artistic expression.
"Theology of Prince"explores the influence of religion, theology, and/or spirituality within Prince's work. In this session the University of Minnesota and United Seminary will curate and publish submissions from a variety of religious, spiritual, and theological perspectives on The Canvas, United's digital publishing platform. A $500 prize will be awarded to one entry in each category. In addition, writers, scholars, and artists who submit excellent work may published in a journal or edited volume book.
Entries must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM on February 15, 2018 to be considered for the $500 prize. Click here for more information.